
Grant Information

The Rock Island Milan Education Foundation has two established grant programs:

PRIME (Promoting Rock Island Milan Education) Grants

The PRIME Grants support a wide variety of programs and provide resources to improve the quality of education for our students. All teachers and schools are encouraged to apply for funding from the Foundation. Teachers may apply for grants up to $1,500; school/departmental grants are available for up to $3,000; and multi-school grants of up to $5,000 are available where multiple schools will be affected.

Each year the overwhelming number of grant requests clearly illustrate the critical need for this program. In the 2023-2024 School Year, a record $205,576 was awarded to the teachers, departments, and schools throughout District #41 for a wide variety of materials, technologies, and programs. Check our Fall Newsletter for the complete list of PRIME Grants awarded. If you're a parent, be sure to encourage your student's teachers or school to apply and if you're a teacher or principal, complete a PRIME Grant application and submit in June. Find the application and instructions on this website under this tab's "PRIME Grants" page.

HAVlife Foundation Grants

Started in memory of Hunter Aaron Vondran, the HAVlife Foundation was established to fund the resources students need to pursue their artistic and athletic aspirations and goals. The benefit to the social, behavioral, and cognitive development of students who participate in these activities have been proven by numerous studies. Unfortunately, music, arts education, and extra-curricular sports programs within the schools are cut back or the costs associated with these activities are overwhelming for students and their families. It is HAVlife's mission to "Prevent Lost Potential" and provide these students the funds to pursue their dreams.

The Rock Island-Milan Education Foundation is proud to partner with HAVlife to make these funds available to the 10-15 year-old students of Rock Island-Milan District 41.

HAVlife Foundation Grant applications must be completed by a teacher or administrator of the Rock Island-Milan School District. Please see the additional information about both the PRIME and HAVlife Foundation Grants on this website.

Major Saver

The Major Saver program helps provide critical funding for our PRIME (Promoting Rock Island Milan Education) Grants. Through the funds raised by the sale of the Major Saver discount cards, teachers. departments/schools, and the district are able to purchase much needed academic materials and offer programs which they would otherwise not be able to afford.

You can help! The card features discounts and buy one/get one free offers from 20 popular restaurants/establishments. Most are local (many located in Rock Island or Milan) and one card can provide up to $160 or more in savings! The Major Saver card can be purchased from students during their campaign in August but it can also always be found online. This year's card is still valid through September 1.

Purchase your card online at: www.MajorSaver.com

Select "Illinois" and "Rock Island" to designate the Rock Island-Milan Education Foundation as your recipient. You can even name which elementary to credit. Every card we sell adds more needed funds!

$287,767 - 2012-2023 total raised.

Horace Mann $30,579
Denkmann $54,163
Earl Hanson $58,784
Eugene Field $88,512
Frances Willard $80,770
Longfellow $53,557
RI Academy $61,038
RICMS $113,723
Ridgewood $67,578
Thomas Jefferson $78,930
Edison Junior High $57,650
Washington Junior High $57,741
Thurgood Marshall $17,665
Rock Island High School $193,035

Thank you for supporting the PRIME Grant program and our students, teachers, and schools!