HAVlife and Schwiebert Extracurricular Funds

HAVlife provides resources in the areas of athletics, music, and the arts for students ages 10-15. Too often, financial burdens and life obstacles keep students from pursuing dreams and reaching their goals. HAVlife's mission is to "Prevent Lost Potential" to help keep those dreams alive. Starting with an initial grant of $10,000 in 2010, the RIMEF has awarded over $75,000 in HAVlife grants to our district students and schools for extracurricular activities and after-school programs.

The Schwiebert Extracurricular Fund was established by Mark and Debbie Schwiebert in 2019. This fund helps students having financial needs who fall outside the age parameters of HAVlife. The Schwieberts' generosity assists with costs of extracurricular activities based in Rock Island or Milan allowing students to begin or continue to pursue their passions.

Since these funds were established, the RIMEF has awarded grants to cover the cost of sport program fees, art/theatre classes, music supplies, athletic equipment, the rental or purchase of musical instruments, and athletic or music camps. The youth benefitting would be unable to participate in these activities if it weren't for these funds.

HAVlife: Students must be ages 10-15, enrolled in the RIMSD, and have financial need to qualify for HAVlife grants. Only teachers, coaches, or administrators may fill out the application on behalf of a student.

Schwiebert Extracurricular Fund: Students must be ages 5-9 or 16-18, enrolled in the RIMSD. and have financial need to qualify for Schwiebert funds. The activity. or a program receiving funding must be based in Rock Island or Milan. As with HAVlife, only teachers, coaches, or administrators may fill out an application for a student.

The same application form is used for both funds. If you know of a Rock Island-Milan School District student who may be eligible, please contact the RIMEF for more information. If you are a teacher, coach, or administrator who has a student who would qualify for a HAVlife or Extracurricular Fund grant, please print and fill-out the application and submit it to our office. There is no time-frame in which to apply.

Requests may ONLY be submitted/signed by a teacher, principal, or coach.

APPLY: HAVlife/Schwiebert Extracurricular Application

Mail or Email to:
The Rock Island-Milan Education Foundation ATTN: HAVlife
@Rock Island High School
1400 - 25th Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61201