RIMEF Endowment Fund
Purpose of the RIMEF Endowment Fund
The RIMEF (Rock Island-Milan Education Foundation) Endowment Fund was created to ensure the RIMEF will have the funds to achieve our goals of providing the best educational experience for the youth of the Rock Island Milan School District (RIMSD) in perpetuity. This is critical as we work to overcome funding challenges of the future. The RIMEF will use the earnings generated by the principal to fund Rock Island Milan School District-41 (RIMSD41) led initiatives as agreed upon by the RIMSD and the RIMEF's Endowment Fund Committee. Only the academic programs and/or activities as defined by the endowment can be supported by the fund. The goal of the RIMEF Endowment Fund is to impact the future by ensuring the academic success of RIMSD students for years to come.
How the Fund Works
The RIMEF Endowment Fund is a permanently restricted fund. This is a true endowment designed to exist in perpetuity - the principal balance will never be spent. The principal consists of directed contributions to the RIMEF Endowment Fund from individuals, families, alumni, and businesses. The fund can only use the interest/earnings received from the donations to finance specific activities - the donations themselves (the principal) will never be spent - it will remain in perpetuity. Careful and regularly reviewed investment strategies will increase the fund's impact and create sustainable growth.
How You Can Invest
Any individual, family, business, or corporation may invest in the RIMEF Endowment Fund with a minimum $5,000 donation. The donation may be made as one payment or in equal installments of 2 or 5 years. RIMEF Endowment Fund contributors are recognized in our newsletters, our annual report, our events, and on our website. Contact the RIMEF at (309) 581-2154 or rimef@rimsd41.org for more information.
In short:
- The RIMEF Endowment Fund supports major RIMSD41 directed campaigns
- The fund will utilize only the interest/earnings received
- The fund's principal will remain intact
- Investment strategies will be regularly reviewed
- Anyone may invest in the fund with a minimum $5,000 donation
- The contribution may be made in one or multiple payments
- The RIMEF Endowment is a permanently held fund
Impact the future through your support of the RIMEF Endowment Fund. Giving now will help ensure the academic success of future generations of Rock Island-Milan students for years to come.

For more information or to make your investment in the RIMEF Endowment Fund , please contact the RIMEF at (309) 581-2154 or rimef@rimsd41.org