Apply Now!
The Rock Island-Milan Education Foundation awards multiple scholarships to Rock Island High School Seniors each year. Average as well as high-performing students can qualify for the variety of scholarships we offer. There is assistance available whether you are interested in attending a vocational school, junior college or a traditional four-year college.
Just one application needs to be submitted to apply for the majority of these scholarships. Seniors must apply online through this site or through the RIHS website. All applications must be completed and documents received no no later than 3:30pm on February 28, 2025. Documents may be mailed or dropped off to the RIMEF office at: 2101 Sixth Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201 or emailed to: If you have trouble accessing the online application, please check with your counselor or contact our office at (309) 581-2154.
Rock Island-Milan Education Foundation scholarships are available to Rock Island High School seniors only.
2025 RIMEF Online Application
Before You Apply
We advise reading the following information before you start your application so you can be fully prepared
Gather this Information to Complete Your Application
- GPA - both weighted and unweighted
- Rank in class
- ACT or SAT scores
- Any academic honors and awards you've received since your freshman year (local, state, or national)
- School and non-school clubs and organizations in which you've participated since your freshman year
- Community involvement and organizations with which you have volunteered since your freshman year
- Employment
- Other financial aid or scholarships pursued
Gather these Documents when Submitting Your Application
All documents must be submitted to our office by February 28, 2025 - 3:30pm. Whether filling out the online application or enclosed with the printed application, submit all materials in one large envelope.
- A letter of recommendation from your RIHS teacher, RIHS coach or RIHS administrator. A few scholarships require a letter of recommendation from a specific type of teacher or coach or have it address a specific subject. Please check the link showing criteria to ensure you can be considered for those scholarships. You may need to submit more than one letter of recommendation.
- FAFSA, SAR or college financial aid award letter if applying for scholarships based on financial need
- Essay about your educational plans and aspirations for the future (not to exceed 500 words.) If completing online application, essay can be filled out within form. Again, a few of our scholarships requests a that your essay address a specific topic - please check the scholarship criteria link for Kennel Williams, Heart of a Rock, and Rotary Scholarships.
- ***Your high school transcript will be sent to us by the Counselors Office shortly after the application deadline.***